> If I have my abstract super classes inherit models.Model, things > technically can work. However, I arrive with a rather overly complex > SQL design generated from them (like needless tables for abstract > super classes). > > On the other hand, if I have my abstract super classes NOT inherit > models.Model and then use multiple inheritance on my subclasses (ie. > have the subclasses inherit both models.Model and their Super class), > then I end up with non-functional SQL tables (ie. the SQL table for a > model would not contain critical fields that in the model had been > inherited from their super class). > > Am I missing something? Is there a way to have my models include > properties inherited from an abstract super class into the SQL it > generates? And ideally without creating tables for each abstract super > class? Or is this just too much in the way of complex OO for > models.py, and maybe I'm just over-doing it and an experienced Django > developer will point out the futility of what I'm trying.
When you define an abstract model, you have to define the ``abstract'' property inside its Meta. http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.2/ref/models/options/#abstract http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.2/topics/db/models/#abstract-base-classes That way your abstract class can inherit models.Model and will have no database table created. Michal Petrucha
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