On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 3:52 PM, DaleB <dal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I guess i wasn't clear enough. I am not so much concerned with when to
> use tags and when to use branches.
> I am still looking for a smooth development workflow.
> I created a libs-dir which i put on my python path an put my different
> apps in it.
> Okay, now i can refer to my apps from any project without copying the
> files. Great and a lot better than before.
> So now i start to create different branches for an app, i create a
> development branch an change stuff.
> As the app is on my path my projects initially refer to the state/
> branch of an app that ist currently checked out, right?
> That's what i refered to by "switching branches" (= changing the
> branch of my app in my libs-dir)
> Another (better?) idea i had looking at pip's docs was to take my libs-
> dir off the python path, put them in a git-repo and use pip to install
> my app.
> Pip's option to refer to certain tags and branches (http://
> pip.openplans.org/requirement-format.html#version-control) seems
> pretty ideal in this situation.
> The only drawback i see is that i have to install and uninstall quite
> often if i want to test different branches/states of my app in a
> project.
> And now i am not sure which route is more promising or if there's even
> an easier way i don't regard at the moment.
> Hope that's more clear.
> Thanks fpr you patience,
> Andreas

Exactly, I use a pip requirements file, and if its an app that I'm
working on, it gets installed from svn. Eg:

-e svn+https://svn.nubtek.com/libraries/python/rc/trunk#egg=rc

this gets installed to venv_dir/src/rc, which is then a full svn
checkout, which I can manually switch branches, merge/test etc. When I
want to make it permanent, I can simply update my requirements.pip,
blow away my venv dir and reinstall (or remember the full invocation
for pip install --upgrade -e etc).



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