On 4/03/2011 10:05, Benedict Verheyen wrote:

> Wow, what a pain this is.
> I succeeded in making it work but I have to do some more testing to be sure 
> my solution is ok.
> I had to make a User for site B as well and then, the user is logged in, in 
> site A and B.
> Off course, having the same user object in Site B defeats the whole purpose.
> I'm not sure I'm happy with the fact that you have to call authenticate 
> before a call to login.
> In the login view of site B, i get the id of the user that is logged in.
> So i thought this would work:
>     user = User.objects.using('central_users').get(pk=key)
>     login(request, user)
> where 'central_users' is set in settings.py to link to the users database of 
> site A.
> Off course, the above doesn't work because of the authenticate so you have to 
> write a backend.
> No probs, you write the backend to get the users from 'central_users' and 
> return that user.
> Simple enough.
> Nope, if you do that, the user is logged out of site A.
> I have only been able to solve this by creating a new user for site B.
> As I said, i'm going to test further but it has been a painful journey.
> Cheers,
> Benedict
I have to make a user object on site B to make the login work.
This is not what I was after.

Is it possible to get a user from site A, return that info to site B and login 
that user on
another site?
In my tests, I haven't succeeded in doing so.

Any info is appreciated,

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