On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Marc Aymerich <glicer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 1:46 PM, Masklinn <maskl...@masklinn.net> wrote:
>> On 2011-03-01, at 13:18 , Marc Aymerich wrote:
>>> Hi Masklinn, I never use jquey's :(
>> Not a problem. The .is method simply takes a CSS selector and returns a 
>> boolean flag indicating whether the selected object(s) match the selector: 
>> $('a').is('a') is trivially going to return `true` for instance.
>>> My idea is that the end user can define their own arbitrary expression
>>> in order to match a subset of objects from a particular class. For
>>> example this is the class that handle the expression.
>>> class Service(models.Model):
>>>    content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
>>>    expression = models.CharField(max_length=255)
>>>    price = models.PositiveIntegerField()
>>> So, with this class the admin of my application can say: Active .ORG
>>> domains costs 10€ , active .ES and .NET domains costs 25€ …
>> But for that you should be able to use regular filters no? Build the right 
>> filtering kwargs (or a series of Q objects if you need arbitrary complexity, 
>> probably) from the stuff provided by the user and then call `filter` with 
>> that, and you should get the correct result shouldn't you?
> Hi,
> what I want is a method for Service class that, given an object,
> return their price. As far as I know I can't evaluate a queryset
> against an object. Isn't it?

Summarizing, I want to be able of:

#Given a Domain instance
domain = Domain.objects.get(pk=2)
#Get their price
price = Service.get_price(domain)

class Domain(models.Model):
   active = models.BooleanField()
   root = models.CharField(max_length=6)

class Service(models.Model):
   content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
   expression = models.CharField(max_length=255)
   price = models.PositiveIntegerField()

   def get_price(cls, obj):
       ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj)
       for service in cls.objects.filter(content_type=ct):
          if service._expression_match(obj): return service.price

    def _expression_match(obj):
        """ This method evaluates the expression against obj """

I'm wondering what is the best way to implement _expression_match method :)



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