Steven Armstrong wrote:

> Don't know if this is related to your problem, but if you're using
> sqlite the patch at [1] may help.
> If this does solve your problem, and you have a moment, you could add
> some more background info about the bug to that ticket and confirm that
> the patch worked. I was in a rush when I created it and haven't yet
> taken time to add some more info for the devs.

This patch didn't solve my problem, I see no difference in behaviour.

The object with date field value of 2006-08-07 definitely exists (it is
listed in month view), but trying to make a view of objects at URL
2006/08/07/ results in empty list, thus 404 if allow_empty == False. My
urlconf contains entry for
^(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>\d{2})/(?P<day>\d{2})/$, so above given URL
should add items 'year': '2006', 'month': '08', 'day': '07' to generic
view call arguments list. Month format is already '%m', day format is
default. It seems that SQLite3 database contains character value of
'2006-08-07' in this field.

Will try with MySQL, although it's a bit of overkill to me.

Jarek Zgoda

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