First, confirm the relationship between those variables. 
current_entry = Entry.objects.get(id=10)
next_entry = Entry.objects.get(
prev_entry = Entry.objects.get(current_entry.prev)
By my estimation,next_entry should return Entry object with I'd of 11 while  
prev_entry returns I'd of 9. That you're not getting any error doesn't 
necessarily mean you're correct. You might have to do a dir(Entry.objects) to 
get all possible methods. 
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

-----Original Message-----
From: mm <>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 12:30:27 
To: Django users<>
Subject: Unexpected result from making single object query

I am not sure what I am doing wrong but there is my code:

current_entry = Entry.objects.get(id=10)

next_entry = Entry.objects.get(
prev_entry = Entry.objects.get(current_entry.prev)

where and current_entry.prev columns contained the
name of the previous and next entry.  No matter what I do, the return
value of the next_entry and prev_entry are always the same value of
current_entry.  I run this in interactive shell environment also but I
get the same result.  Please help.  Thanks.

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