On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 9:39 PM, Frank W. Samuelson <
fr...@merrill-samuelson.com> wrote:

> I have an class payment that links to households
> class Payment(models.Model):
>    # Which household made this payment?
>    household = models.ForeignKey(Household)
>    ...
> and the household has a payment inline in the admin interface.
> When I add a payment from the list of Payments, the first line of the new
> object's change history is the date, time, and user who created the object.
> But when I add a payment as an inline on the page of a Household, there is
> no record made.  The history says,
> "This object doesn't have a change history. It probably wasn't added via
> this admin site."
> I would like to know which user created the payment regardless of how is
> was created.  Is there a way to get the admin interface to make a history
> for objects added via an inline?   Am I doing something wrong? Currently I'm
> using version 1.2.1.

The admin does log the inline creation, however it is logged under the
Household object where it was added. So if you look at the History of the
related Household object, you will see the Payment added there.


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