Hi Dean,

Looks like you pass the class ContractForm in to your render (and not the 
variable contractForm). Also on naming (PEP 8) contract_form would have been 
nicer for the variable (and would have stood out more so that the error was 
easier to spot).



-----Original Message-----
From: django-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:django-users@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Dean Chester
Sent: 15 February 2011 00:25
To: Django users
Subject: Django Form Doesn't Render


I have written a form in forms.py that looks like this:

class ContractForm(forms.Form):

      title = forms.CharField()

      start_date = forms.DateField()

      end_date = forms.DateField()

      description = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea)

      client = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Client.objects.all())

And in my view (yes i know there are problems with data not being

checked but the aim was to get the client field to display clients

associated with that user):

def addContractTEST(request):

      if request.method == 'POST':

            contractForm = ContractForm(request.POST)

            title = request.POST['title']

            start_date = request.POST['start_date']

            end_date = request.POST['end_date']

            description = request.POST['description']

            client = request.POST['client']

            user = request.user

            contract =



            return HttpResponseRedirect('../../accounts/profile/')


            user = request.user

            print user.username

            contractForm = ContractForm()

            return render_to_response('newcontract.html', {'ContractForm':


And my newcontract.html:





      {% if contractForm.errors %}

      <p style="color: red;">

            Please correct the error{{ contractForm.errors|pluralize }} below.


      {% endif %}

      <form method="POST" action="">

                  {{ contractForm.as_p }}

            <input type="submit" value="Submit" />




But all that appears is my submit button so what am I doing wrong?

Thanks in Advance,



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