
when the admin is deleting an object it gathers a list (calling all unicode 
methods) of other foreign key objects and displays them as a warning that they 
will also be deleted.
I think the error occurs in:

> class Disposition (models.Model):
>  [....]
>        def __unicode__(self):
>                return self.name

try to return u’foo’ to see if the errors still occurs!

BTW: method names should be lowercase


On 13.02.2011, at 23:52, Bobby Roberts wrote:

> when i try to delete one of the TractorRecord objects in this model, i
> get this message:
> Caught KeyError while rendering: u'objects_name'
> any idea what that means?
> Django 1.2.3 (mod_wsgi 3.2/Python 2.6)
> # this holds possible dispositions for Tractoruees
> class Disposition (models.Model):
>        id = models.AutoField (primary_key=True)
>        name = models.CharField (max_length=50, blank=False,
> db_index=True)
>        active = models.IntegerField(blank=False,
> choices=active_choices)
>        order = models.IntegerField(blank=True, default=0)
>        def __unicode__(self):
>                return self.name
> class DispositionAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
>        list_display = ('name','active','order',)
>        search_fields = ['name']
> admin.site.register(Disposition,DispositionAdmin)
> #this holds the Tractor information
> class TractorRecord (models.Model):
>        id = models.AutoField (primary_key=True)
>        FirstName = models.CharField (max_length=25,blank=False,
> db_index=True)
>        LastName = models.CharField (max_length=45,blank=False,
> db_index=True)
>        Status = models.CharField
> (choices=inout_choices,max_length=3,blank=False, db_index=True)
>        Photo= models.ImageField(upload_to="Tractoruees/", blank=True)
>        Disposition = models.ForeignKey('Disposition',
> verbose_name=_('Disposition Value'),db_index=True, blank=False)
>        Notes = models.TextField(blank=True)
>        LastTouchedBy = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=False,
> db_index=True, blank=False)
>        LastUpdated = models.DateTimeField
> (auto_now_add=True,blank=False, db_index=True,help_text='Auto Filled')
>        def disposition_name(self):
>                return self.Disposition.name
>        def Last_Updated_By(self):
>                return self.LastTouchedBy.get_full_name()
>        #resize uploaded image to max 650 x 650
>        def save(self, size=(175,175)):
>                super(TractorRecord, self).save()
>                if self.Photo:
>                        filename = self.Photo.path
>                        image = Image.open(filename)
>                        image.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
>                        image.save(filename)
> class TractorRecordAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
>        list_display =
> ('Picture','FirstName','LastName','Status','disposition_name','Last_Updated_By','LastUpdated')
>        search_fields = ['FirstName','LastName','LastTouchedby']
>        def Picture(self,instance):
>                return '<img src="/static/demo/%s" width="65"/>' %
> (instance.Photo)
>        Picture.allow_tags=True
> admin.site.register(TractorRecord,TractorRecordAdmin)
> -- 
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