On Thursday, February 10, 2011 4:48:05 PM UTC, Brian Craft wrote:
> I'll have to look at this in more detail, but two notes, off-the-top.
> First, port 80 is kept open because the browser will try port 80 if
> the user types in the url without the protocol. On port 80 all we do
> is issue a redirect to https, but the client will have spilled the
> cookies by then.
> Second, the most like scenario for this to happen is with a wireless
> MITM. E.g. an attacker sits in, or near a coffee shop, or office, with
> a laptop setup as an AP, trolling for connections from unsuspecting
> users. If anyone connects, the laptop can be used as a MITM. So, for
> example, when the user types the url and hits port 80, the MITM can
> create an https connection to the target site, and return it via http.
> I'm not certain there's a csrf attack here, but I suspect there is.
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