I am new to django so not sure if I am of much help but let me try

the key is usually the ID field of your table.
for the value to display add a method __str___ in your model, here is
sample code from one of my project
read more on ___str___ and ___unicode___ methods

class Teacher(models.Model):
    school        = models.ForeignKey("School")
    xclass        = models.ForeignKey("Class", verbose_name='Class')
    name          = models.CharField("Teacher Name",max_length=50)

    def __str__(self):
       return self.name

On Feb 8, 9:03 pm, hank23 <hversem...@stchas.edu> wrote:
> I have coded a form which will display some data in a dropdown
> selection box. The data is being populated from a a queryset that I
> have setup in the form's code. However the entries in the dropdown
> only display as objects of the table from which they're being
> retrieved, and don't display the actual field data that I was hoping
> to have it display. So how do I specify in the form which of the table
> fields is to be the display field and which is suppoed to be the
> underying key value to be passed when and entry is selected? Thanks
> for the help.

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