On Feb 7, 10:57 pm, Ian Stokes-Rees <ijsto...@hkl.hms.harvard.edu>
> I love the fact that I can quickly and easily get a "view" of my objects in
> Django, but is there any current way to get "read-only" views of objects
> where fields are not editable?  I want to be able to display the "forms"
> once they are completed but with the fields displayed just as table entries
> or textareas which can't be edited.  In other words, no <input> or <label>
> tags.
Read-only forms/fields are a popular topic, but not supported in
django.  To display data, simply put the data object (i.e. a model
instance) itself in a template context and render it.

Perhaps this would be of use to you:

Aryeh Leib

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