On 02/05/2011 01:08 PM, Axel Bock wrote:
- the user enters "0300" in the datetime field.
- I make "0300" into date=0, time=03:00, valid field.


In your example, you're wanting to populate a DateTime field in a model, but you want to allow the user to enter a string which would be invalid for the field.

One way to do this is to add an additional field to your form.

Example, given your 'takeoff' field:

    1. Add a charfield named takeoff_str in your form definition.

    2. Add a method named clean_takeoff_str to your form definition.

In this function, check to ensure that the string entered is a valid
        HHMM value, if not raise a forms.ValidationError.

        Then, create a valid datetime from the input, and set
        self.cleaned_data['takeoff'] equal to this value.


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