Hi all,

I've been theorizing about a Django Desktop Application built a GUI
framework (eg. PyGTK, Tkinter).

It basically comes down with this:

1. Login using an SSL POST request and create a user object.

2. Download certain tables from the DB to the local machine, perhaps
specified by a "download_local" attribute (True/False) on models. If
it already is downloaded, synchronize it with the server.

3. Use the Django ORM locally to do your work.

4. Provide wrapper classes for the models save, delete methods etc.
Foo.objects.get(pk=4) for example sends a POST request: {'obj': 'Foo',
'kwargs_keys': 'pk', 'kwargs_values': 4, 'op': 'get'}; the server then
can do the job via get_model, getattr, etc.
- OR - log all changes on the local machine, and provide a 'Send my
work to the server'-button.

This is my basic idea. What do you think about this? Is this the right
approachs? And what would be possible pitfalls?

Kind regards,

Izz ad-Din Ruhulessin

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