Hey there, I am trying to delete Events as chosen by a by a user using
check boxes to check of which events they want to be deleted.  But for
some reason whenever I call request.POST.get('event_list') Nothing is
received even though boxes are checked and I end up with nothing.
Here is my template and the view that should be deleting the chosen

 {% if event_list %}
        {% for event in event_list%}
                <input type="checkbox" name="event_list"
id="event{{ forloop.counter }}" />
                <label for="event{{ forloop.counter }}">{{ event.title }}</
label><br />
        {% endfor %}
        <input type = 'submit' value = 'delete checked'>
        <p>{{removal}}<p/>    {%comment%} this is what should be
        {% if delete_error %}
        {% endif %}


def EventDelete(request):
        removal = request.POST.get('event_list')
        if removal:
                delete_error = "You didn't delete anything"
        return redner_to_response("detail.html", {'delete_error':
delete_error, 'removal': removal},

Im not sure why removal doesn't have anything in it, shouldn't it have
the titles of the events in it?

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