
SiliconIndia is organizing WebApps 2011 at Pune on Feb 26th,
2011.Drawing well-renowned thought-leaders, contributors,
influencer's, and organizations in the Web Development space, the
conference offers insight to develop industry-leading Web Development
projects. The conference brings together web developers, web designers
technology enthusiasts, innovators, vendors, and users to experience
the future of Web Applications.

Web-based applications are revolutionizing both the features that can
be delivered and the technologies for developing and deploying
applications. They also involve a diverse collection of issues and
technologies.We have lined up some of the best speakers and the
sessions & networking will be of the highest order.Get hands-on
technical training and gain new skills. WebApps 2011 guarantees
perfect networking and exciting learning success in workshops,
sessions, discussion panels & fascinating keynotes.

5 New Skills that Every Web Designer Needs to Know
Progressive CSS3 Design
How to Build a HTML5 Website - Live Demo
Accessibility in Web Design
Icon Design

Who should attend: Web Application Developers, Application Managers,
Web Architects, Web and Graphic Designers, Web Development Managers,
Web Strategists, Web Technologists, Business Strategists, E-commerce
Managers, Product Managers, Technologists and Entrepreneurs and Others

DATE: Feb 26, 2011 (Saturday)
TIME: 8.00 AM to 5.30 PM

We have limited Seats. Registration for this game-changing Symposium
is by invitation only. Attendance is limited to maintain an intimate
setting and foster dialogue among all participants.

To request an invitation, please visit:
and complete the  form .

And also you can NOMINATE your colleagues and friends who ever is
interested in attending this event.

We will review your submission and let you know. Once we qualify you,
there will be a registration fee of Rs 500 only. This is towards:
Access to Sessions, Tea/ Coffee & Refreshments and Lunch.

Here's your chance to meet tech leaders and get expert instruction and
hands-on tutorials to create the best web applications, tools, and

Thanks ,

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