On 23 jan, 23:20, Trevor Stanley <h...@balancingact.me.uk> wrote:
> Thanks Bruno for the critique and you are right I don't know what I'm
> doing and I am rather learning by accident.  I am not a programmer and
> don't profess to be one(yet).  I have built the apps in the excellent
> book, Practical Django Projects and I have also worked through, The
> Definitive Guide to Django which I have by my side.  I also have Pro
> Django on stand-by.  I know it may take me some time to get where I need
> to be in order to successfully write fluent Django code


> If you have any tips as to where you think I may be able to obtain some
> good tuition I would be pleased to hear about it.

Well, the first point is that you're not writing "django" code but
Python. Django is a framework, but the language is Python, and you
have to learn the language itself to be able to properly use the
framework. I strongly suggest you spend some times doing the official
Python tutorial before anything else. The Python usenet group (that
you can join thru google groups) is a very newbie friendly place (at
least by usenet standards) so don't be afraid to post python related
questions there.

wrt/ programming by accident, I guess we all (well, most of us) start
this way, then realize it's not the best thing to do. One of the nice
points with Python is the interactive shell that let you experiment
with the language and most libs / frameworks / whatever, so you don't
have to write hundreds lines of code just to find out you got it all
wrong - just read the doc (first, mandatory step), then fire the
interpreter and try out "live".

Once you get a better grasp of the language itself, you have to have
at least a basic understanding of what the Django framework try to
"abstract" : relational databases (IOW: SQL) and the HTTP protocol. If
you don't understand what Django is doing for you, you'll never be
able to use it properly.

My 2 cents...

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