
am having problem with django custom signals not being able to see signals
across application. I made a simple call in my


  *  from django.dispatch.dispatcher import Signal*
*    # Signal-emitting code... emits whenever a file upload is received*
*    # ----------------------------------------------------------------*
*    *
*    upload_recieved = Signal(providing_args=['data'])*
*    *
*    *
*    def upload_received_handler(sender, data, **kwargs):*
*        print 'upload received handler'*
*    *
*    print 'connecting signal'*
*    upload_recieved.connect(upload_received_handler)*

*in core/models.py*

   * import signals*
*    *
*    [the model]*

*in blog/admin.py*

 *   from models import article, category, media *
*    from django.contrib import admin*
*    from libs.shared.core.tasks import Create_Audit_Record*
*    from libs.shared.core import signals*
*    *
*    *
*    *
*    class ArticleModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):*
*        def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):*
*            upload_recieved.send(sender=self, data='ddd')*
*            instance = form.save()*
*            return instance*
*    *
*    *
*    *
*    admin.site.register(article, ArticleModelAdmin)*
*    admin.site.register(category)*
*    admin.site.register(media)*

this is what I did, but am getting an error in the runtime unable to see
upload_received function. any ideas?


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