
I have got a model called ContentClassifier which uses regular
expressions to classify the content of messages. It has a method
compile() that compiles an instance's regular expressions into
self.posrx. When the classify method calls compile, i.e. when each
ContentClassifier compiles its regular expressions every time it's
classify-method is called, then the ContentClassifiers work as
expected. (I.e. if, in the code given below snippet 2 instead of
snippet 1 is used). If, on the other hand, I want each instance to
compile its regular expressions when it is saved (i.e. if I use
snippet 1 instead of snippet 2), Django says

AttributeError: ... ContentClassifier' object has no attribute 'posrx'



class ContentClassifier(models.Model):

    def save(self, *args,
**kwargs):                                          # snippet 1
# snippet 1
        super(ContentClassifier, self).save(*args, **kwargs)   #
snippet 1

    def compile(self):
        self.posrx = re.compile(regex_string, re.IGNORECASE)

    def classify(self, message):
        # self.compile() # snippet 2


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