*First of all did you try accessing the email subject with a dotted
u = User.objects.all()

On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 12:53 PM, Jari Pennanen <jari.penna...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi!
> Suppose following model:
> class UserEmail(models.Model):
>    """User email"""
>    user = models.ForeignKey(User, db_index=True,
>                             null=True, blank=True, editable=False)
>    """User recieving the email"""
>    added = models.DateTimeField(_("added"), auto_now_add=True)
>    """Added to database"""
>    subject = models.CharField(_('subject'), max_length=128)
>    """Subject"""
>    message = models.TextField(_('message'))
>    """Message"""
> How can I retrieve list of users and their latest email subject?
> This almost works:
> User.objects.all()\
>  .annotate(latest_email_added=Max('useremail__added'))
> But it does not give me the other fields of latest email such as
> subject, so I try to add other fields using extra:
> User.objects.all()\
>  .annotate(latest_email_added=Max('useremail__added'))\
>  .extra(select={'email_subject' : 'myapp_useremail.subject'})
> Suddenly it adds a GROUP BY to the query with a long list of fields
> that should not be there, which breaks everything, now I get multiple
> rows per user which is not wanted.
> If I try to modify the group_by manually, like this:
> a = User.objects.all()\
>  .annotate(latest_email_added=Max('useremail__added'))\
>  .extra(select={'email_subject' : 'dmusic_useremail.subject'});
> a.query.group_by = [('auth_user', 'id')];
> print a.query
> There is still one extra field in group by making it break:
> ... GROUP BY "auth_user"."id", (dmusic_useremail.subject)
> Can someone elaborate this behavior?
> Any help is appreciated, thanks!
> --
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*Praveen Krishna R*

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