On 8/4/06, Ian Clelland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/3/06, cyberco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > OK, but what to do with the following in case of 2 models:
> >
> In the past, I've made a custom manipulator in situations like this.
> Something like this (WARNING: Untested code ahead!) might work for
> you:
> class CustomManipulator(forms.manipulator):
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.fields = (
>             forms.TextField(field_name="text_a"),
>             forms.TextField(field_name="text_b"),
>         )
>     def save(self, new_data):
>         # there should probably be some error checking in here somewhere :)
>         new_a = A(text=new_data["text_a"])
>         new_a.save()
>         new_b = B(text=new_data["text_b"], a=new_a)
>         new_b.save()
> You can use this manipulator just like you use the automatic
> AddManipulator above; the only difference is that it doesn't return an
> instance of A -- although you could certainly make it do that.
> Ian Clelland
Right, and I think these things indeed need custom manipulator.

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