My apologies, didn't mean to sound like an a-hole. I do appreciate
django very much for what it is. The library is beautiful really, but
the documentation is the opposite.

I wish I could spend time to help improve the documentation, but I
have not the time.

Instead I thought I'd make this (not very well expressed obviously)
complaint to bring it up to developers attention and see if there's
anyone else that thinks that I do.

Im not a beginner when it comes to programming and django was very
easy to learn but as soon as you start developing and want to tweak
stuff it's so hard to get fast detail documentation .. Im just curious
why the django project haven't set up any proper forum?

Again sorry for my unfriendly topicstarter.

On Jan 10, 10:30 pm, Shawn Milochik <> wrote:
> Welcome to the community, and congratulations on putting your best foot 
> forward!
> I am certain that your non-confrontational tone and obvious appreciation for 
> all the hard work done for free by volunteers has endeared you to all of us.
> One minor suggestion: In the community, we like to see people who identify 
> room for improvement step up and volunteer their own time to fix the things 
> they want fixed. Do you have any spare time?
> Shawn

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