On Monday, January 10, 2011 2:56:42 PM UTC, hank23 wrote:
> This is my first attempt at trying to code a form and use it in a 
> view, so I've probably got something wrong. At this point I just 
> wanted to produce the screen with all of the fields displayed on it, 
> just to see if I have things coded correctly to display the screen the 
> first time. 
> I'm not getting any error but I'm also not getting everything on my 
> screen which I think I should be getting. The screen should display a 
> title, then a message, a dropdown box(pollquestions), a button, and 
> finally another message. At least it should as long as I have my html 
> coded properly. My form is defined this way: 
> class AddChoiceForm(forms.Form): 
>     infomessage = forms.CharField(max_length=200) 
>     pollquestions = 
> forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Poll.objects.all(), required=True, 
> label='Poll Questions', initial='Please select a poll question', 
> help_text='Select a poll question.', 
>         error_messages={'required': 'Please select a poll question!', 
> 'invalid_choice': 'Cannot select initial value!'}, 
>         widget=forms.Select(attrs={'name': 'pollquestions', 
> 'id':'pollquestions', 'size':'1', 'type':'select-one' })) 
>     confirmmessage = forms.CharField(max_length=200) 
>     newchoice = forms.CharField(max_length=200) 
> my addchoice.html screen is defined this way: 
> <h1>Add Poll Choice Screen</h1> 
> <form action="/polls/addchoice/" method="POST"> 
> {% csrf_token %} 
> {{ infomessage }} 
> <br /><br /> 
> {{ pollquestions }} 
> <br /><br /> 
> <input type="submit" value="addchoice" /> 
> <br /><br /> 
> {{ confirmmessage }} 
> </form> 
> and my view is coded this way: 
> def addchoice(request): 
>     polls = Poll.objects.all() 
>     pollcount = Poll.objects.all().count() 
>     if pollcount > 0 : 
>     message = "Number of polls passed to form was " + str(pollcount) 
>     else: 
>     message = "No polls passed in to form." 
>     confirm = "Nothing added." 
>     data = {'pollquestions': polls, 'infomessage': message, 
> 'confirmmessage': confirm } 
>     form = AddChoiceForm(data) 
>     dctnry = {'form': form, 'data': data} 
>     return render_to_response('polls/addchoice.html', 
>                               dctnry, 
> context_instance=RequestContext(request)) 
> I would appreciate any help or suggestions, for figuring this out. 
> Thanks. 

There are a number of things wrong here.

You've got two things called 'pollquestions'. One is a field in the form. 
Since you're passing the form into the template context with the key 'form', 
you access it in the template as {{ form.pollquestions }}. The other thing 
called 'pollquestions' is a list of all the polls in your database. You've 
put that inside a dictionary which you're passing into the context under the 
key 'data', so if you wanted to access that, you'd do {{ data.pollquestions 
}} - or, more likely, you'd want to iterate through with {% for poll in 
data.pollquestions %}. However I suspect you are only interested in the form 
field here.

Similarly, you've got two things called 'infomessage' and 'confirmmessage' - 
one is a field, and one is a string with a message. This time, I suspect you 
are interested in the strings - which again are accessed via {{ 
data.infomessage }} and {{ data.confirmmessage }}. If you don't want the 
user to actually be able to enter these, don't define them as fields in the 
form - you can reference them directly in the template as I have shown.

Next, this line:
   form = AddChoiceForm(data) 
should only be used when you have data posted from the user. Since you're 
not doing that yet, just use
   form = AddChoiceForm()

Finally, you're probably overspecifying the pollquestions field in the form. 
Most of what you have is the default anyway, and other things are invalid: 
for example, you can't specify 'initial' as text, it has to be the ID of one 
of the possible options. Just use:
    pollquestions = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Poll.objects.all(), 
required=True, label='Poll Questions', help_text='Select a poll question.') 


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