Just one point of clarity - the intention is clearly for apps to be
small and focused and "do one thing well".  Like much of Python, of
course, you as a developer can abuse this to your heart's content and
create humugenous and unwieldy code bases.  (Pinax, incidentally, is
not an "app", but a bundled collection of apps that aim to make it
easier to start developing certain types of sites.)

On Jan 8, 3:50 pm, Mike Ramirez <gufym...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Saturday, January 08, 2011 02:07:22 am Ondřej Mirtes wrote:
> > Thank you all for your responses.
> > I have one more question - what is the purpose of "apps" in
> > "projects" (when I create new app in a project via manage.py
> > startapp)? Are they something like sections of a web (articles, forum,
> > user administration?) or are they rather something like modules,
> > reusable across projects? How big should be an app?
> They are really both, see django-registration, djangobb, pinax, and many other
> django-apps (search google code and github).
> > How should I solve typical scenario when my site consists of a small
> > frontend presentation and a complex API service?
> This is really a question best left upto you to answer. Looking at existing
> apps, some are small providing specific functionality (django-email-
> notifiation iirc is another), others really huge providing a whole slew of
> things (see djangobb and pinax). Others have made apps that just hold template
> tags, to one app for the whole site (which most new django developers do).
> My suggestion to you is to build it the way that makes it easy to maintain the
> site, for you and developers after you. If some functionality that you come up
> with can be of use to others, then it's worthwhile to make it it's own app and
> release it into the wild via your fav license.
> Mike
> --
> Death comes on every passing breeze,
> He lurks in every flower;
> Each season has its own disease,
> Its peril -- every hour.
>         --Reginald Heber

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