Depending on what you need to do....
You could shell down and run FOP from Apache foundation which is xml,
xslt to pdf
Or if you are filling in a form, you can use Adobe LiveCycle to define a
form and use code like below to fill in the form

def getPDFContent(id):
        values = getAllValues(id)
        code = values['CODE']
        completedfdf = getCompletedForm(values)
        pdffilename = PDFTemplateMapper.get(code, None)
        if pdffilename==None:
            raise "No PDF Template defined for %s" % code
        pdfpath = os.path.join(ThisDirectory, 'forms')
        pdfpath = os.path.join(pdfpath, pdffilename)
        pdftk = ["/usr/bin/pdftk" ,'pdftk']['nt']
        cmd = '%s %s fill_form - output - flatten' % (pdftk, pdfpath)
        proc = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE,
shell=True, bufsize=100000000)
        cmdout,cmderr = proc.communicate(completedfdf)
        if cmderr != '':
            raise cmderr
        return cmdout

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jirka Vejrazka
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 4:14 AM
Subject: Re: ReportLab and Django - templates? ; FK object has no
attribute split

Hi Victor,

  It really depends on complexity of your PDF. I needed to do
something similar some time ago and used ReportLab addon called "pisa"
and used standard Django template language to define the PDF contents.

  You might want to take a look, it worked well enough for simple PDF



On 18/11/2010, Victor Hooi <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use ReportLab to produce a PDF output for one of my
> views.
> My first question is - at the moment, I'm building up the PDF inside
> my view. Is this really the recommended way of doing it? It's like
> I've got presentation code inside my view (controller). Isn't there a
> cleaner way of doing it, or going from a template to PDF somehow? (I
> know ReportLab offers a commercial package using RML templates,
> however I was hoping for an opensource/free method).
> Second question, I have a model with several FK fields. E.g.
>     class Article(models.Model):
>         category = models.ForeignKey(Category)
>         subject = models.ForeignKey(Subject)
> Both the category and subject classes have fields called "name", and
> __unicode__ methods defined which return name.
> I'm trying to refer to these fields in my PDF output. I have a list of
> items in article_list (i.e. queryset):
>     for item in article_list:
>         text = item.category
>         category = Paragraph(text, styles['Heading2'])
>         story.append(category)
>         text = '%s' % item.subject
>         subject = Paragraph(text, styles['Heading3'])
>         story.append(subject)
> When I try to run this code, I get:
>     'Category' object has no attribute 'split'
> and the same error with subject, obviously, once it gets to that bit
> of the code.
> Any idea why this might be, or how to fix it? Any help is much
> appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Victor
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