Wow, I have no idea what you just said... but, I think I agree.

If I am right, what you are saying is, because the same kanji has multiple
readings and the words are sorted by reading and not the kanji itself, that
dictionary is going to be impossibly difficult to make.

quick example, skip if you want to
大学 is read "daigaku" and means college
大き is read "Ōki" and means big.

The 大 is read "dai" in one and "O" in the other. Giving the character a
priority would not make it sort the right way because the order desired is
by the reading, and the reading is all about the context of the characters.

giving the character a value would make it be:

大き (Oki)
大学 (Daigaku
最高 (Saiko - means the best, because Django is the best!)

When really, alphabetically it is:

大き (Oki)
最高 (Saiko)
大学 (Daigaku)

End of Example:

Man, the Japanese where not thinking about programming when they made their

Any other suggestions or ways to correctly sort Japanese Words?

James Hancock

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 5:38 PM, Masklinn <> wrote:

> On 2011-01-06, at 07:23 , Sam Walters wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Personally I would map the priority of every character in a dict and
> > pass this to sorted
> Given Japanese is not an alphabetical language and mixes syllabic and
> logographic scripts (the logographic system having a few thousand
> graphemes), I doubt this kind of trivial ideas is going to work correctly
> (it only works correctly for simple alphabetical engines, even diacritics
> are going to cause an explosion in the number of cases)
> --
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