On Wednesday, January 5, 2011 4:00:02 PM UTC, Cowdawg wrote:
> OK:  Trying to get a handle on getting started with Django and like I
> always do when learning a new environment I've dived in head first. 
> Here is an error message I'm getting. 
> pe...@slcjwebapp0:~/agilitystewards$ python manage.py syncdb
> Error: Couldn't install apps, because there were errors in one or more
> models:
> agilitystewards: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument
> 'max_length'
> Now, my models file almost looks like the example that I saw on the
> Django web site and here it is: 
> <snip>
> OK... so what am I missing here? My assumption is that I'm the one
> messed up here, not Django, so where am I going wrong? 
> -- 
> Peter L. Berghold <pe...@berghold.net>

What version of Django have you installed? It appears to be earlier than 1.2 
at least, because the method of specifying database connections in 
settings.py changed in that release. It's possible that you have installed a 
*very* old - ie pre-1.0 - version, in which the max_length parameter was 
called maxlength (without the hyphen). If so, please uninstall it and 
install the up-to-date version.

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