Foriegn Key Use case

Class Item():
      desc = models.StringFrield()

Class Menu():
       type = models.StringField(default = "Italian")       ///cuisine type
       item_list = models.ForiegnKey(Item)

So for each cuisine I have some list of items

for ex:

menu type 1 for ex  have 5  items (item 1, item2, item 3, item4, item5)

Creating items is easy

item = Item()
item.desc = "item1"

item = Item()
item.desc = "item 2"

so on......

Now I have to create just a single menu item

menu = Menu()
menu.type ="Italian"
menu.item_list = ???   ///i am not sure what should be this , should
it be assigned to any one of them

Then how to retreieve the list of items for a menu ex: here Italian



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