On 22 December 2010 22:27, hank23 <hversem...@stchas.edu> wrote:
> I've been going through a lot of the forms related documentation and
> some things are still not clear, partly because of information
> overload.

> First do I have to code/generate my forms using my models?
No, forms can be used independently of models.

> If not then if I code my form from scratch will it still have all or
> most of the background functionality as it would if I had generated it
> driectly from the models?
Yes, they just won't be auto-generated from your models.

> Like will I still be able to use field validators,
Yes. Most form fields have some validators defined (like EmailField)
and you can add more:

and be able to use some of the methods like is_valid(),
> clean(), is_bound, as_p(), as_ul(), as_table(), etc.?

Everything except save(), 'cause there is nothing to save.

> I would
> appreciate any help, explanations, or links to good examples or
> tutorials of using forms, other than the introductory django tutorial.
> Thanks in advance for the help.

You can take a look at djangobook: http://www.djangobook.com/en/2.0/chapter07/

Łukasz Rekucki

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