Dana ...

How you build and deploy your project will be shaped by the environment
where you're deploying.  Thus my choices about "best practices" will be very
different that yours.  That said, here are my thoughts (worth exactly what
they cost you):

   - You're definitely right about using South migrations to allow you to
   refactor your database model as needed.  (I wish I could use it on my
   current project -- long story that I can't tell.)  If you do intend to use
   South, start using it early, instead of adding it in later.
   - VirtualEnv and Pip have proven very useful to me in several
   environments -- the ability to easily install and uninstall packages into a
   controlled environment is critical when you are deploying to servers where
   you don't have administrative access (ie: hosting environments).
   - Most of the Python package infrastructure (pip, setuptools, distribute)
   believes that it will be used on systems that are connected to the Internet,
   and their developers rarely test anything without a live connection to the
   Internet, which means that frequently the tools are broken for offline use.
   (Note that once you point out the breakage, they will fix it, but it can be
   confusing for the unwary).

- Craig -

On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 13:40, Dana <woodman.d...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been bashing my head against a wall lately trying to determine
> the best (highly subjective, I know) workflow for developing Django
> projects.
> What I have gathered so far is:
> * Buildout -- For building and packaging your projects.
> * Fabric -- For easy deployment/testing of code on devel/staging/
> production servers
> * PIP -- For installing Python packages into your project.
> * virtualenv -- For creating an isolated Python environment.
> ... but what I am having trouble figuring out is how the workflow
> should be between these tools.
> * What's the relationship between PIP and buildout in development vs.
> deployment?
> * Is buildout used solely for installing/packaging stuff for
> deployment?
> * Do you use fabric to run buildout on a server?
> * What role does PIP requirements file play in all this? Is it used?
> * Are you using setuptools or distribute?
> I know this is a very broad and subjective topic but I'd love to hear
> what you guys and gals are doing out there to develop rapidly and to
> deploy efficiently and predictably.
> Cheers
> --
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