On 12/19/2010 3:48 PM, Maksymus007 wrote:
> you get array of arrays.

Technically, in strict Python terms what you get is a list of tuples.

Each element of the list is a tuple where each column from the query
provides an element of each tuple.

> First array contains rows. Every row is just an array of fields, order
> is the same as in your query.
> On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 9:45 PM, Andy <selforgani...@gmail.com
> <mailto:selforgani...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I need  to execute some SQL queries involving joins and it seems like
>     custom SQL is the way to go. A couple of  questions:
>     1) In the doc  (http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.2/topics/db/sql/
>     #executing-custom-sql-directly
>     <http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.2/topics/db/sql/
>     #executing-custom-sql-directly>) there's an example:
>     cursor.execute("SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE baz = %s", [self.baz])
>     What is the "self.baz" argument? What does it do?
That is just to show how to put data into your queries to parameterize
them. The first argument to .execute() is a query string with parameter
marks inside it (the parameter mark can be something other than "%s" but
I believe that works for both PostgreSQL and MySQL.

The second argument should be a sequence (I use a tuple, as some
database drivers insisted on that in the past) of data elements that
will be used to replace the parameter markers.

>     2) After I execute a SELECT query, how do I access the different
>     fields and different rows of the results?
See above. After you have called the cursor's .execute() method you then
have to call a method the fetch the data. Most people will use the
.fetchall() method, but there is also .fetchone() (that returns a single
tuple containing the data for the next row in the result) and
.fetchmany(N), which returns N rows if that many are left, otherwise all
remaining rows.

DjangoCon US 2011 Portland, OR: September 6-8 http://djangocon.us/

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