On Dec 13, 2010, at 7:25 PM, cocolombo wrote:
> 1) Should the players use the admin to loggin ?

I think that there's a good hint given by the is_staff property of a User.  The 
admin is best used by people you would consider "staff," rather than general 
users of the site.  While it is certainly possible to lock the admin down 
pretty thoroughly, it's much better to design the public-facing part of your 
site from scratch, rather than worry about bending the admin to being a good 
public interface, and locking it down completely against mischief.

> 2) Do I use the user objects, to keep information about each players ?
> Or a different class called player ?

Either way has its merits.  There's no reason not to use the User auth system 
even for people who don't use the admin; it's quite flexible.

> 3) Should I create a separate application for the login section of the
> site ?

In general, yes, that's a good idea.  The user login section is an isolatable 
bit of code that makes perfect sense as an application.

> 4) Is registering a new user (confirmation by email, etc) a different
> module or is it part in the admin.

It's part of the application you built up in #3. :)

> 5) I understand the importance of admin to manage my  database, but of
> course, I don't want the players to access directly the database. Do
> the players access the admin with limited privileges, or do they not
> touch the admin whatsoever ?

See #1.  It's far easier to build up the public facing part of the site with 
what users *can* do, than worry about having missed something in the admin that 
they *can* do.

-- Christophe Pettus

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