On 13 déc, 16:59, refreegrata <refreegr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello list, I have a question. Take a look to the next models.
> ----------------------------
> class MyDoc(models.Model):
>     code = models.BigIntegerField()
> class Myline(models.mode):
>    fk_myDoc = models.ForeignKey(MyDoc)
> ---------------------------------------
> In my view I do something like
> myPaginator = Paginator(MyDoc.objects.filter(codigo=1), 10)
> myDocs = myPaginator.page(page_number)
> This return all the Docs with a code=1, but I too want to return all
> the objects with the type "MyLine" associated to the results of this
> query.
for doc in myDocs.object_list:
    print doc.MyLine_set.all()

or in your template:

{% for doc in myDocs.object_list %}
     {{ doc.code }}
       {% for line doc.MyLine_set.all %}
       <li>{{ line }}</li>
       {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

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