So I'm working along, everything's humming fine. Then I try to add a
record via the admin, and get the following:

TemplateSyntaxError at /admin/expert/expertresponse/add/
Caught AttributeError while rendering: 'unicode' object has no
attribute 'date'


Template error

In template c:\python26\lib\site-packages\django\contrib\admin
\templates\admin\includes\fieldset.html, error at line 12
Caught AttributeError while rendering: 'unicode' object has no
attribute 'date'
2       {% if %}<h2>{{ }}</h2>{% endif %}
3       {% if fieldset.description %}<div
class="description">{{ fieldset.description|safe }}</div>{% endif %}
4       {% for line in fieldset %}
5       <div class="form-row{% if line.errors %} errors{% endif %} {% for
field in line %}{{ }} {% endfor %} ">
6       {{ line.errors }}
7       {% for field in line %}
8       <div{% if not line.fields|length_is:"1" %} class="field-box"{%
endif %}>
9       {% if field.is_checkbox %}
10      {{ field.field }}{{ field.label_tag }}
11      {% else %}
12      {{ field.label_tag }}{{ field.field }}

I can add records via a ModelForm without problem, it just doesn't
work in the admin.

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