On 2 Aug 2006, at 00:44, toth anna wrote:

Sorry for boring the list with a slightly offtopic question.
I saw that many of you are using a Mac. (i used it perhaps
twice in my life)
Last week i needed to edit several python files on a MiniMac
(without net, brrrr), and i used "built-in" editor of
macosx. Not was so comfortable.
What are you using for editing sources?

For ground-up projects I use Eclipse + PyDev + Subeclipse = great IDE (at least on my 2xG5, I hear that is rather sluggish on the slower machines).

For the one file work Aqua Emacs preferably or vim or JEdit.

Nebojša Đorđević - nesh
Studio Quattro - Niš - Serbia
http://studioquattro.biz/ |  http://trac.studioquattro.biz/djangoutils/
Registered Linux User 282159 [http://counter.li.org]

What is the sound of one backpack EMP weapon discharging? -- Joe Thompson
"Clickety-click" -- Charles Cazabon

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