I'm not really worried about concurrent user handling. I'm more
worried about things happening quickly.

Basically take 3 objects: Pack, Card, Pick. A user is handed a Pack
with many Cards, they make a Pick and hand the Pack to the next user.
Eventually the Pack depopulates of Cards and deletes itself.

Right now making sure the transaction happens smoothly takes a lot of
little queries. Just trying to speed this process up.


On Nov 29, 1:31 pm, "Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd]"
<cal.leem...@simplicitymedialtd.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> To be honest, if you're that worried about performance and concurrent user
> handling, then you wouldn't be using SQLite anyway. Please can you explain
> some details about what you are trying to achieve, and lets see if we can
> give you a better solution :)
> Cal
> On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 3:10 PM, Subsume <subs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hey there,
> > I've got an app on my site that's a game where people make picks from
> > Pack objects. These objects only exist during the life of the game
> > (about 20 minutes) and then are gone. I'm hoping to reduce some Disk I/
> > O on my server by allowing this app to use a database that is purely
> > in sqlite memory.
> > I see all kinds of efforts for people to use such an in-memory sqlite
> > database during tests but how would this work live? I'd need all my
> > web-server processes to share this database.
> > Right now I've got the name :memory: but the table always seems to be
> > empty, despite objects being created.
> > Is my approach off? Maybe I should I try some other way to create my
> > sqlite file in debian's mounted ram space?
> > --
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> --
> Cal Leeming
> Operational Security & Support Team
> *Out of Hours: *+44 (07534) 971120 | *Support Tickets: *
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