We use Opus <https://github.com/bmbouter/opus> to do our django deployments.
 It creates a secure version of the setup described in this thread (with
apache not nginx), and even takes care of deploying the databases also (if
you don't mind postgres).

my 2 cents,

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 6:14 AM, Graham Dumpleton <
graham.dumple...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Nov 23, 8:18 pm, Daniel Roseman <dan...@roseman.org.uk> wrote:
> > On Nov 22, 9:42 pm, Todd Wilson <twil...@csufresno.edu> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > I teach a course in which I have students developing unrelated Django
> > > projects on servers of their own choice.  As we near the end of the
> > > semester, I would like to set up a single server where I can host all
> > > of these student projects together.  I will obviously create a new
> > > user, as well as a new mysql account and database, on this server for
> > > each project, and ask the student teams to upload their project files
> > > into the home directories of these accounts.  But what else will I
> > > have to do to make this work?
> >
> > > I suppose I'll have to install the union of all the python libraries
> > > used by the individual projects, but each project will have its own
> > > settings and "local" URL structure, and I'm not sure how all of this
> > > should be coordinated, or what changes I'll have to ask the teams to
> > > make to their own projects to allow this coordination.  (The server is
> > > Apache/mod_wsgi.)
> >
> > > Any recommendations?
> >
> > You might want to take inspiration from the way Webfaction, one of the
> > main Django hosters, do it. They have a central Apache for each
> > server, but they then also have separate Apache instances for each
> > Django user. The main Apache proxies to the individual user instances.
> > Then the users can configure and restart their own Apaches as
> > necessary, without disturbing everyone else on the server.
> > Additionally, the central instance takes care of serving static
> > assets.
> They actually use nginx as front end these days and not Apache.
> Graham
> > As regards libraries, I would encourage you to get your students to
> > use virtualenv. They can then create a requirements.txt file, which
> > encapsulates all the external libraries they need, and you can install
> > everything for each user with a single command.
> > --
> > DR.
> --
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Brian Bouterse
ITng Services

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