Hey Alvaro -
I only meant that this tool might allow non-programmers (web
designers, maybe even clients) to collaborate in the model proto-
typing.  Currently must use diagramming tools that don't generate
Django code (mostly these tools want to generate the SQL directly) -
would be great to have a diagramming tool that generates the django

Stick with Django/Python - there are lots of tools out there for
modelling in other languages (eg. Eclipse EMF, GEF, etc.)

One thing that does occur - you might want to look at some of the open-
source data modelling tools out there - there might be one that you
can adapt to generate django models instead of SQL models - could save
you a ton of design and UI work if you find the right one.


On Nov 21, 5:35 am, Alvaro Mouriño <alv...@mourino.net> wrote:
> 2010/11/21 Joseph (Driftwood Cove Designs) <powderfl...@gmail.com>:
> > Alvaro -
> > this is a nifty idea - will save time and improve consistency.
> > Opens up model proto-typing to non-Django, non-Python, maybe even non-
> > programmer?  Could be used for collaboration during model design -
> > especially if it presents an ER'ish diagram as you build the data
> > model.
> > look forward to seeing this progress - nice work.
> Hi Joseph.
> I thought about generating not-only-python, but it was easier for me
> to get it up and running concentrating just on django. It's on my
> mind, yes, but it's not easy. The first option was obviously rails,
> but I never coded a line of ruby, so I'm going to need help with that.
> Regarding collaboration, one of the goals is to allow concurrent
> edition of a project, with a sort-of-chat-room on the side so the
> users can communicate. Always trying to avoid the need of a web server
> as much as possible.
> Thanks for taking the time to try it.
> --
> Alvaro Mouriñohttp://askani.net/

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