Newbie here!  Therefore I'll need a little detail (like show the code).

How in the heck can I change the color of the messages from jquery.validate.js
Here's my code:


            rules: {
                first_name : "required",
                last_name : "required",
                  mailing_address : "required",
                mailing_city : "required",
                mailing_state : "required",
                mailing_zip : "required",
                daytime_phone : "required",
                dob : "required",
                txtPassword : "required",
                txtConfirm : "required"

            messages: {
                first_name : jQuery.format("First Name is required"),
                last_name : "Last Name is required",
                  mailing_address : " A Mailing Address is required",
                mailing_city : "Mailing City is required",
                mailing_state : "Mailing State is required",
                mailing_zip : "Mailing Zip is required",
                daytime_phone : "Daytime Phone is required",
                dob : "Date of Birth is required",
                txtPassword : "Password is required",
                txtConfirm : "Confirm Password is required"
            submitHandler : function(form){$(form).ajaxSubmit({ beforeSubmit : 
showRequest, success: showResponse, dataType : "json"});}

Thanks in advance,

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