I've finally got mod_python and mysqldb working with apache (long
story short, can't install wsgi for various reasons and i'm using
python 2.4.3... for various reasons...).

Now when i load up the home page (just typing 'localhost' into
firefox) i get the literal HTML representation of index.html, without
the dynamics filling in.  I can only assume that apache is not using
Django to return these requests.

I only have 1 Virtual Host and Location tag in my entire Apache
Configuration File (with all the standard stuff, i didn't turn
anything off):

LoadModule python_module /usr/lib64/httpd/modules/mod_python.so

<VirtualHost "localhost">
       ServerName Sweetman
       ServerAdmin sweet...@sweetman.com
       DocumentRoot /srv/www/sweetman/

       <Location "/sweetman/">
               SetHandler python-program
               PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
               SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE sweetman.settings
               PythonDebug On
               PythonPath "[ '/sweetman_live/sweetman' , '/usr/lib/
python2.4/site-packages/django/' , '/srv/www/'] + sys.path"

        <Location "/site_media/">
               SetHandler none

        ErrorLog /srv/www/sweetman/logs/error.log
        CustomLog /srv/www/sweetman/logs/access.log combined

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