I'm new here in the List and  Django (i'm a intermediate python programmer),
i'm from Brazil.
one know
I'm trying to install a group buying system here in my machine called
Massive-Coupon, anyone know?
After you install many dependencies(Photologue, PyFacebook,
SocialRegistration,...), arose a problema.

One of the dependencies (Django Countries) don't have setup.py, in the
install.txt file said tha a i have to copy the folder "countries" to my site
folder and them run syncdb (python manage.py syncdb).

I have PostgreSQL and the module  psycopg2 installed on my machine, but see
the error that appears.

line 121,
 in _cursor    raise ImproperlyConfigured("You need to specify NAME in your
Django settings file.")

django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: You need to specify NAME in
your Django settings file.*

I did not understand this message.
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Can someone please help me?


Nelson Saraiva.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
""" Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus. Computers are from hell. "”"

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  • [no subject] Nelson Saraiva
    • Re: Venkatraman S

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