Hi Alex,

2010/10/25 Alex <person...@gmail.com>

> File "admin_modify.py" method "def prepopulated_fields_js(context)"
> Line 11:
> if context['add'] and 'adminform' in context:
> should be changed to
> if 'adminform' in context:
> to allow slug be auto updated every time and not only on the entity
> creation in admin.
> Is there any setting to do it without changing Django internal source
> code?

Well, yes, you should not modify source code of external project unless you
have a really good reason to.

A way to fix this would be to write your own field type or at least own
widget. My approach to 'slugification' is CentralniakSlugField (
http://github.com/centralniak/django-centralniak-slugfield). It does not
allow real-time js autoslugs (slug are done in background when saving)
however, since the widget is a simple text field.

I guess there might already be a better slug solution on the web.

Regards, PK

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