> REST, however, has a fairly rigid one-URL-one-action structure which is
> ideally suited to Django's URL dispatch. The only way to get what you
> want is to layer another dispatching service atop Django's. I don't
> think you can do it with urlconfs alone.

knp. The point of urlconf is to adapt arbitrarily complex URL paths
via regexp.

If we only need very stereotypical url paths, we can easily parse
the / marks ourselves. I just didn't want to reinvent any wheel if
there were, for example, a method in url-land we could override.

> By the way, what are you imagining the functions nest(), pest() and
> rest() will return? They cannot all return HTTP responses, since there
> can only be a single response to a single request?

Point. The NeoUrlConf will call each argument to an argument handler,
then pass all three results into a terminal handler that cooks HTTP.

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