> I'm evaluating the possibility to use Django for a project, but I have
> read so many comments about Django vs TurboGears and right now I am
> very confused.
> I installed both of them in my system and sincerelly I found that
> Django is very easy to install and getting started while TG is not so
> easy.

Um. Last I checked, both have very clear installation instructions.
Besides, does install time really matter?

> Nevertheless I hesitate to trust on the Django semplicity against the
> TG complexity and I'm trying to examinate some characteristics in both
> of them that interest to me.

If you're comparing frameworks, you also might want to check out Zope.
I've tried Zope 3 myself and found it to be horrible and very
un-Pythonic, but a friend of mine has been writing web applications
with Zope 2 for a very long time and says that it's much better.

> Django gives you an admin environment for free while TG doesn't have
> such thing and I have no idea how to create it.

By writing code. Of course.

To be fair, TG has Catwalk, which works as a sort of makeshift admin
interface, but you'll have to write your own eventually, anyway, if
it's a complicated website you're building.

> TG applys the pattern MVC while Django does it in a strange way.

As many have said before, it's a matter of taste :)

> Django doesn't use AJAX while TG uses Mochikit and JASON.

...and what stops you from using Mochikit and JASON with Django? It's
like saying that you can't order ice-cream at McDonald's, because it's
not part of the Happy Meal you're eating.

> Django is very compact while TG is assembled with many moduls to put
> together.

Well, TG is pretty much a whole lot of Open Source tools and duct
tape. There are advantages to having a sort of a "guiding vision" as
with Django. Then again, as many things are a matter of taste, I've
found that being able to swap out bits is useful and TG is more
loosely-coupled, which makes it easier.

That said, I've used Django with several of its parts swapped out just fine.

I'm gonna do the ultimate geek thing here and compare web frameworks
to science fiction series. Django is like Babylon 5. It has a guiding
vision behind it and it's very coherent, very logical, with all the 5
seasons planned up front. (Except for the slight restructuring after
Bruce Boxleitner was brought in at the beginning of the 2nd season /
magic-removal clean-up of Django.) But TG is a bit like Star Trek --
there might be storylines that span a couple of episodes, but that's
it. Each episode is pretty much on its own and the "big picture" sort
of evolves over time. No real guiding vision / grand plot.

> Someone of you could give me a good reason to use Django instead of TG?

Set aside a weekend and write a simple application with both. Like,
say, a todo-list manager. Or if you hate having to deal with dates and
times, then write a very simple blog engine.

I'll give you a couple of reasons to use Django, which I myself found important.

* Caching framework. Simply awesome.
* Autogenerated admin interface is more advanced than the Turbogears
one. (Last I checked.) Still, you will have to write your own

Um. That's about it. These are its clear, technical advantages over TG
-- I think everything else is just a matter of taste. I'm not really
qualified to say good or bad things about either of the frameworks,
really. I've used both and for the last big web application I built
(an admin interface for a distributed filtering application) I pretty
much rolled my own -- basically many of the components from TG, but
with much of the glue and unneeded parts removed.


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