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"Using "eggs" with mod_python¶

If you installed Django from a Python egg or are using eggs in your
Django project, some extra configuration is required. Create an extra
file in your project (or somewhere else) that contains something like
the following:

import os
os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = '/some/directory'

Here, /some/directory is a directory that the Apache Web server
process can write to. It will be used as the location for any
unpacking of code the eggs need to do.

Then you have to tell mod_python to import this file before doing
anything else. This is done using the PythonImport directive to
mod_python. You need to ensure that you have specified the
PythonInterpreter directive to mod_python as described above (you need
to do this even if you aren't serving multiple installations in this
case). Then add the PythonImport line in the main server configuration
(i.e., outside the Location or VirtualHost sections). For example:

PythonInterpreter my_django
PythonImport /path/to/my/project/file.py my_django

Note that you can use an absolute path here (or a normal dotted import
path), as described in the mod_python manual. We use an absolute path
in the above example because if any Python path modifications are
required to access your project, they will not have been done at the
time the PythonImport line is processed.
concerning python eggs, but it is not clear to me the name or location
of the file in question.

On Oct 18, 1:25 pm, octopusgrabbus <old_road_f...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Periodically, I keep getting bitten by this error:
> The Python egg cache directory is currently set to:
>   /home/amr/.python-eggs
> Perhaps your account does not have write access to this directory?
> You can
> change the cache directory by setting the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment
> variable to point to an accessible directory.
> Yet, root logs in setting this environment variable
> PYTHON_EGG_CACHE=/python_egg_cache/.python-eggs
> What am I doing wrong? Where should the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment
> variable be set?
> Thanks.

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