Oh you want just one record per page? Thats easy.
(r'^page/(?P<page_number>\d+)/$', 'data.views.pagelisting'),

def pagelisting(request, page_number):
    data_list = Data.objects.filter(pk=page_number)
    return render_to_response('list.html', {"data_list": data_list})

template list.html
{% if datalist %}
    {% for data in  datalist %}
        <p>{{ data.text }}</p>
    {% endfor %}
<a href='http://testsite.com/page/{%pk + 1%}>Next Page<a/>
<a href='http://testsite.com/page/{%pk - 1%}>Next Page<a/>
{% else %}
    <p>No data is available.</p>
{% endif %}

On Oct 15, 6:43 am, David <cthl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Devin
> Thank you for your reply.
> I'm not sure if I've explained myself properly, or if I'm
> misinterpreting your reply. What I am aiming for is a form containing
> a single record. At the bottom of this form will be the pagination
> tools << Prev 1 2 3 etc. which will enable the user to navigate
> through the records individually in my form. I was hoping that the
> pagination had the ability to know the current records primary key so
> that I could render the form with a simple Data.objects.get(pk=1) this
> would then achieve the desired effect (I think).

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