On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Mattias Linnap <matt...@linnap.com> wrote:
> Hi Django users,
> I'm building an application with Django, and I need some database
> changes to occur at certain times in the future - independently of any
> web request. Things like cleaning up expired sessions, deleting
> expired user actions, etc.
> What is the best way to implement those?
> 1) Make a special view, like /cron/, that performs all the scheduled
> actions, and use an external script to poll it over HTTP regularly.
> Cons: there might be a request timeout in the web server, so only a
> small number of very fast actions are possible.
> 2) Use standard linux cron, and write a script that calls ./manage.py
> with custom commands. Cons: is it a good idea to use manage.py
> commands in production?
> 3) Try to avoid any time-based database changes, and rewrite the app
> so that data objects know if they are "too old". Cons: makes the rest
> of the app more complex.
> 4) Something else?
> If a bit of background might be useful, I'm building an online sales
> app where users can reserve products for up to 2 hours. When the 2
> hours is over, the product is marked as available again. It would be
> possible to compute the availability of each product based on the list
> of reservations instead of caching it at the object, but this would
> require looking through all reservations and sales ever made to know
> the current state of a product.
> Thanks for any advice,
> Mattias

Definitely not #1!

I use #2 for periodic scripts, eg a script runs at 4 AM +? minutes to
clean expired sessions and transient objects. I don't think it would
suit your purposes though, you would have to be periodically running
scripts to see if anything needs going away - not exactly ideal.

#3 is useful in certain scenarios, in this though you are trying to
mimic availability of an item within a stock system. It might work if
you are selling one off items (like a seat in a cinema), but if you
are selling multiples of the same item it could get a little tricky!

I would recommend #4 'something else' :) The something else being
celeryd + rabbitmq + django-celery. RabbitMQ is an enterprise message
queue system that allows you to do awesomeness, like saying 'deliver
this message in 2 hours'. It's a complex system, but it gives you the
power to do complex things.



Celery: http://ask.github.com/celery/getting-started/introduction.html
django-celery: http://celeryproject.org/docs/django-celery/
RabbitMQ: http://www.rabbitmq.com/

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