I sometimes use the direct_to_template generic view for a different
purpose than yours (test a template), but the same URL pattern might
be useful to you:

    # test a template

Although you'd better use a better regex to match the template name
(like the one you originally used):


You might also want to take a look at the flatpages app:
which may be an alternative approach to what you are trying to


On 1 Oct, 16:52, bruno desthuilliers <bruno.desthuilli...@gmail.com>
> On 1 oct, 16:07, simon_saffer <simon.p.saf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (snip)
>  My attempt at doing
> > this was to put the following in
> > urls.py in urlpatterns
> > (r'^(?P<page>[a-zA-Z0-9]*?\.html?)$', 'mysite.views.showPage')
> hint : named urls are cool
> > and then have a views.py in the mysite 'root' with the function
> is 'mysite' an app in your project, or is it the project itself ?
> > def showPage(request, page):
> hint: Python coding conventions : use all_lower names for functions
> >     t = loader.get_template(page)
> >     c = Context({})
> >     return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
> hint : use the render_to_response()
> hint : use RequestContext if you want your context processors to be of
> any use
> > How can I achieve something like this?
> Hmmm... What happened with your above attempt exactly ? I guess it
> didn't yield the expected results, but you don't tell what happened
> exactly (and when I mean "exactly", it means that if you got a
> traceback you should post the _whole_ traceback too).

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