I have a slightly strange occurrence happening which makes no real
sense to me so I thought I'd see if anyone had any helpful hints...

My app stores people's first and last names, however for privacy
reason unless a user is logged in when browsing the website they will
only see "Firstname Initial" instead of "Firstname Lastname".  This is
achieved by a models.py containing:

        def __str__(self):
                return self.full_name()

        def full_name(self):
                return smart_str('%s %s' % (self.first_name(), 

        def anonymize_name(self):
                if self.last_name():
                        return smart_str('%s %s' % (self.first_name(), 
                        return smart_str('%s' % (self.first_name()))

What is confusing me however is the Admin site for this model, or more
accurately the Admin page for another model which uses Person in a
many-to-many inline.  The dropdown menu seems to show "Firstname
Lastname" about 75% of the time and "Firstname Initial" the other 25%,
obviously returning anonymize_name instead of full_name somewhat
randomly (this has been tested with a selection of records and across
multiple browsers with what can best be described as sporadic

The anonymize_name is only referenced in views.py for the specific
views that it's required, and admin.py doesn't import views.py so it's
making the choice purely from models.py it would see.  ANy insight or
suggests would be much appreciated.

Using Django 1.2.3 on FreeBSD 7.3 with a PostgreSQL 8.4.4 DB and
Apache 2.2.16

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