On 27/09/2010 5:08pm, MrMuffin wrote:
Where do you put your business logic in django? In my project I`ve put
it into the models.py, but that file soon become huge and hard to
maintain. Of course I can just stuff it into whatever file I like, but
I`d like to have some standard way of doing this. There seems to be
something missing in django when it comes to business logic. It`s all
model, views and templates and that`s all great for small projects,
but both the models.py and views.py very soon gets huge and how do you
re-organize your project when that happens? Splitting views and models
into seperate files is only a partial solution and that requires some
hackish code in __init__.py to make syncdb etc work. And then there`s
Should there be a better and standardized way to organize huge
projects in django?
I hope some dguru answers this because it is important.
I reckon business rules should be in models.py because that represents
the database and I've always thought that is where the business rules
belong for the sake of data integrity.
There is probably nothing wrong with multiple model files named for the
tables in the app if you want to keep them small. You might want to
import them 'from app import table_x.table_x as table_x'. Bit ugly I
suppose - this is really why it makes lotsa sense to split a big project up.
Business logic is different than business rules. That is simply the
application logic and that probably belongs in views.py but there is
nothing stopping you importing stuff from app_logic.py which can import
stuff from big_project.py.
If it is a giant project you probably ought to split it into smaller
apps each of which is focused on a self-contained subset of your entire
functionality. That way, you might be able to put parts of it on
sourceforge and I can use it :)
Thanks for your time.
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